Notice: This project is no longer actively maintained.
The Theme
This theme, inspired by and based heavily on the Clearlooks_Cairo-Curve theme by Billy Cantrell (GTK+ 2) and the Adwaita theme by the GNOME Desktop developers (GTK+ 3), is a simple theme which uses modern features of the Clearlooks widget engine and a Bluecurve-like color scheme to provide a rich and aesthetically pleasing desktop experience, especially for prolonged and continuous usage.
This fork, as it has come to be, has come a long way since the original. Version 0.4 (currently in development) of this theme attempts to maintain the Bluecurve-like aesthetics to make your GNOME 3 desktop even more beautiful and usable!
Due to the focus of this, recent version of GTK+ will be required for proper functionality.
Checkout the Screenshots page for images of the theme in action.